Policies and Procedures
Enrolment and Fees and Charges Policy
KNLC has a $5 annual membership fee payable on enrolment. The membership is not pro rate and is expected to be paid by all individuals who undertake a course or activity at the Centre.
Course and class fees are outlined in the various ACFE. HACC and fee for service manuals and enrolment forms. An administration fee of 20% is charged where a participant withdraws from a course
within 7 days of its commencement. Where KNLC cancels a program, course or activity a full refund will be given.
Activities and courses under KNLC Inclusive Communities Program do not attract fees for participants.
Environmental Policy
KNLC commits itself to minimising its impact on our environment through
- Providing a safe and healthful workplace
- Creating an environmentally aware culture where responsibility is assigned and understood
- Being an environmentally responsible neighbour in our community
- Conserving natural resources by reusing and recycling
- Using in our own operations processes that do not adversely affect the environment
- Ensuring the responsible use of energy throughout the organisation
- Participating in efforts to improve environmental protection and understanding
- Using our own professional expertise where possible to assist in the development of solutions to
environmental problems. - Striving to improve our environmental performance continually
- Conducting rigorous audits, evaluations, and self-assessments of the implementation of this policy
- Working with suppliers who promote sound environmental practices
- Enhancing awareness among our staff, volunteers, and users – educating and motivating them to act in an environmentally responsible manner.
KNLC will:
- Develop clear guidelines for staff, volunteers and users to adept sound environmental work practices,
and adequate training will be provided to ensure these practices are carried out. - Act promptly and responsibly to correct incidents or conditions that endanger health, safety, or the
environment. It will report any such incidents to the relevant authorities promptly and inform affected
parties as appropriate. - Reuse and recycle materials, where practicable purchase recycled materials, and use recyclable packaging and other materials.
- Ensure that its services and products are safe, efficient in their use of energy, protective of the environment, and able to be reused, recycled or disposed of safely.
- Minimise materials and energy use, prevent air, water, and other pollution, and dispose of waste safely and responsibly.
- Conserve energy by improving energy efficiency and giving preference to renewable over non-renewable energy sources when feasible.
- In order to continually improve its environmental management system KNLC will conduct rigorous audits and self—assessments of its compliance with this policy, measure its progress against its environmental goals, and report its success periodically in its annual reports and elsewhere.
- Maintain an open and honest dialogue with staff, volunteers and the public about the environmental, health and safety performance of our operations and services.
- Ensure that every staff member and every contractor is informed of and expected to follow this policy and to report any environmental, health, or safety concern to management so that prompt action may be taken.
- Encourage City of Boroondara to develop/install energy and water saving devices in the building.
Participant Complaint and Dispute Resolution
This process deals with any complaints that arise for participants while attending programs at KNLC. It is expected that most issues will be resolved thr0ugh discussion and conciliation. If however a complaint is found to be substantiated KNLC will act in an appropriate way.‘
This process must respect the rights of all involved and be dealt with in a professional and confidential manner. It is the responsibility of the Manager or Group Coordinator to document the process and to ensure that it remains confidential and that the rights of all parties are respected.
If a learner has any issues and concerns about the course/program or our customer service:
- They should first discuss their concern or issue with their Teacher/Coordinator. If a solution cannot be reached the matter should be referred to the Executive Manager.
- If after discussion the Executive Manager is unable to solve the problem, the complaint should be put
in writing and sent to the KNLC Board of Management who must act on the complaint. Both parties
have the right to address the Board. - A written statement of the appeals outcome will be given to the learner, including reasons for the
decision and any action to be taken by KNLC on a substantiated complaint. The Complaint Statement
and Action Report Form available from the main office will be used to record the process. - If the grievance still exists the matter may be referred to an appropriate body for mediation,
conciliation, and arbitration. e.g. funding body of specific program area. The result of this step will be
accepted by the parties as ending the matter.
KNLC is bound by Victorian Privacy Laws, the Information Privacy Act 2000, as well as other laws such as the Health Records Act 2001 which impose specific obligations when it comes to handling information.
The organisation has adopted the respective Privacy Principles contained in the Victorian Privacy Laws as minimum standards in relation to handling personal information.
In broad terms this means that we:
- Collect only information which the organisation requires for its primary function;
- Ensure that stakeholders are informed as to why we collect the information and how we administer the information gathered;
- Use and disclose personal information only for our primary functions or a directly related purpose, or for another purpose with the person’s consent;
- Store personal information securely, protecting it from unauthorised access; and
- Provide stakeholders with access to their own information, and the right to seek its correction.
KNLC will adhere to the Procedures outlined below.
KNLC will:
- only collect personal information that is necessary for the requirements of our funding bodies notify stakeholders about why we collect the information and how it is administered.
- notify stakeholders that this information is accessible to them.
Use and Disclosure
KNLC will:
- only use or disclose information as required by our funding bodies.
- for other uses we will obtain consent from the affected person.
Data Quality
KNLC will:
- take reasonable steps to ensure the information we collect is accurate, complete, up-to-date, and relevant to the functions we perform.
Data Security and Retention
KNLC will:
- safeguard the personal information we collect and store against misuse, loss, unauthorized access, modification or disclosure.
KNLC will:
- ensure stakeholders are aware of KNLC’s Privacy Policy and its purposes.
- make this information freely available in written form for anyone who requests it.
Access and Correction
KNLC will:
- ensure individuals have a right to seek access to information held about them and to correct it if it is inaccurate, incomplete, misleading or not up—to—date.
KNLC will:
- give stakeholders the option of remaining anonymous when completing evaluation forms or opinion surveys.
Making information available to other service providers
KNLC can:
- only release personal information about a person with that person’s expressed permission. For personal information to be released, the person concerned must sign a release form;
- release information to third parties where it is requested by the person concerned.
Sensitive information
KNLC will:
- only collect sensitive information (as defined in the legislation) about an individual where the collection is necessary to prevent or lessen serious or imminent threat to life or health of any individual
Victoria’s Reportable Conduct Scheme
The Reportable Conduct Scheme aims to improve organisations’ responses to allegations of child abuse or child-related misconduct. It also aims to prevent people who pose a risk to children continuing with organisations that work closely with children. It achieves these aims by requiring heads of organisations to report to the Commission for Children and Young People any allegation that one of their workers or volunteers has committed child abuse or child-related misconduct. The organisation must carry out an investigation into these allegations and report its findings to the Commission.
The Commission for Children and Young People is an independent oversight body that administers the Reportable Conduct Scheme. The Commission has the authority to oversee and enforce organisations’ compliance with the scheme. The Commission also supports organisations in understanding and implementing the scheme.
Child safety statement:
Kew Neighbourhood Learning Centre (KNLC) is committed to child safety and protecting children from harm. Our organisation fully supports the Victorian State Government Child Safe Standards.
Our Statement of Commitment (see below) reinforces KNLC’s undertaking to be a child safe institution; and to focus on the safety and protection of children and young people under the age of 18 across our diverse operations.
Statement of Commitment:
KNLC has students under the age of 18, we host visiting children and conducts activities with children and young people. As such, KNLC recognises its responsibility and is committed to child safety, protecting children from harm and being a child safe organisation.
KNLC is committed to
- Promoting and protecting the best interests of children
- Safeguarding children who are undertaking KNLC programs
- The safety, participation and empowerment of all children
- Preventing child abuse and identifying risks early, and removing and reducing these risks, including risks presented by physical and online environments
- Regularly training and educating our staff and volunteers on child abuse risks
the cultural safety of Aboriginal children, and children from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds, and to providing a safe environment for children with a disability.
KNLC supports and respect all children, as well as our staff and volunteers. All children, regardless of their gender, race, religious beliefs, age, disability, sexual orientation, or family or social background have equal rights to protection from abuse, harm or maltreatment.
KNLC has:
- Zero tolerance of child abuse, and all allegations and safety concerns will be treated very seriously and consistently with our policies and procedures
- Legal and moral obligations to contact authorities when we have reasonable concern about a child’s safety, or reasonably believe that a child has been abused or harmed, which we follow rigorously
- Robust human resources and recruitment practices for all staff and volunteers
policies, procedures and training in place that support our leadership team, staff and volunteers to achieve these commitments. - Everyone working or studying at KNLC is responsible for the care and protection of the children within our care and reporting information about suspected child abuse or harm of children and young people. The KNLC community is aware of the Victorian Government’s mandatory reporting obligations and associated legislation. Child protection is a shared responsibility between KNLC, all employees, students, workers, contractors, associates and members of the KNLC community.
If you believe a child or young person is at immediate risk of abuse or harm call Emergency 000.
Room Hire
Kew Neighbourhood Learning Centre is committed to ensuring this facility is available to the local community in a way that increases services to all our local community and strengthens links between groups. Funds raised through room hire will contribute to the ongoing operation of the centre. Any surplus funds will be used to enhance KNLC activities. A separate application for Room Hire outlines in details
conditions of use.